Other people's computers. A friend asked me to work on her computer recently. While I was downloading a program that would help her, I decided to check my Gmail. No, not my Guthrie email ("G-mail, the Guthrie E-mail Club"), my Google email. I typed in the address and hit enter. Up popped Gmail -- but not my email. My friend's. Obviously, she had told her browser to remember the login and password for her.
Don't do that. If you're reading this, you're probably a lawyer. My friend is a marketing and sales type. Heaven knows what she and her friends correspond about through her Gmail account. But a lawyer should take more care about any website used in his or her practice. Hopefully, no lawyer depends on Gmail, but there are plenty of other websites you may use, from legal research sites through bank sites for trust accounting to e-filing logins. Don't let browsers memorize your login IDs and passwords.